Friday, December 18, 2009

Texting Gloves...

...or in my case, iPhone gloves.

I purchased these this week after being aggravated for the umpteenth time that my iPhone doesn't work with gloved fingers--ARGHHH!!! Many a missed calls I had while clumsily pulling off my gloves and then going for my phone!

See the cute little button (on the finger and thumb) to hold the material back so you can do as you please? if you get cold, just undo the button and put the material back in place.

So 'natch, I figured they'd make a great practical gift for others on my list--and yours as well? They are available at Target for under ten bucks in several colors.


I am crossing my fingers that my new URL finally takes effect this weekend!


Diana said...

That's a pretty handy innovation - no pun intended :)

Alissa Grosso said...

Smart idea. I bet they sell a ton of these!

Dina's Days said...

This is the funniest thing ever! I had the same problem with my iPod touch the other day and I was like really, I have to take off my gloves everytime I don't like a song?

Gosh, we are all so spoiled anymore! But genius idea on your behalf!

Christina Lee said...

haha -yeah Dina I agree about the spoiled thing!

All Women Stalker said...

Haha I was actually just wondering how people in the Northern Hemisphere who own touchscreen phones are dealing with the cold and finger-only sensitivity of these devices. :D


Suzette Saxton said...

Those gloves rock! I had no idea there was such a thing.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I've tried using a blackberry and those tiny buttons frustrate me.

for a different kind of girl said...

I think this falls under the category of "What will they think of next!?"

Also, it definitely is under the "Hey! I want some of those!" category, too!

{leah} said...

those are really cute!!! I might go get myself a pair...

Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day!! {sorry it's taken me so long:) }

Anonymous said...

Tea cool, but to do serious work with a glove on you will need something to speed things up, try
Lightning Remarks" allows ,within 2-3 keystrokes, to it create or reply to email or texts where there are 1000's of predefined remarks, based on over 100 categories that are intuitive to find. It allows you to have a typical 2-3 sentence remark in 2-3 keystrokes. This has sped me up 5-10X on keyboard use.