Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tonight's the Night the World Begins Again

....To borrow a Goo Goo Dolls Song. :)

Can you believe it's the end of the single digits?

And to think everything was supposed to come crashing down in the year 2000.

Anyway, I don't really make New Year's resolutions. Usually I just engage in lots of INTROSPECTION (and retrospection, for that matter):

Which probably looks more like this--ha ha:
I look back on all of my accomplishments for the year (and try to break out of my glass is half empty thinking) and then make a list of all that I am grateful for.

In many ways 2009 was a beginning of discoveries about myself.

The biggest was discovering that I could grow as a writer--and finally finish an entire book from beginning to end. And then revise, revise, revise. And despite two other manuscripts attempts that were abandoned (before and after my completed one), I also am well into my newest idea.

But 2009 has also brought death to my doorstep. Lots of it-- in my own family and all around me. Lots and lots of sadness.

But just like life is known to do, endings and beginnings occurred simultaneously mimicking a revolving door of laughter and tears.

So what do I wish for in 2010?

To keep creating... and learning... and growing, especially as a human being. Oh, and for my family to stay healthy.

And so I wish that for all of you as well.


See you next year (snort)!

(photo credits:,,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by. I love the chimp picture.

Unknown said...

lol! Fun post! I wish this for you as well! I love that you write a gratitude list too. It's hard to look at things pessimistically when you're writing out all you have to be thankful for.

Mary K Brennan said...

Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

Alissa Grosso said...

I wish a happy and healthy 2010 to yours as well. It's been a difficult year for me as well, but it's also shown me that I am a pretty strong person.

Maddy said...

Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post!
Happy New Year Christina!

AndreaLeigh said...

I do that as well, but I figured out I was focusing more on everything I though I did wrong and nothing I did right. So this year I'm just reflecting and being happy that this was a year of blessing (the baby) and loss... but it's over and time to move on to bigger and hopefully better things. Happy New Year!

Sturgmom said...

You wrote a book? What an amazing accomplishment! Congrats to you!

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Retro Chick said...

Happy New Year, and Happy New Decade!

Katie Anderson said...

Happy New Year Christina! I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you!!!!!

marian said...

Lovely retrospective post!
Happy new year darling! Wishing you the best of the New Year! Hope you had a lovely New Year's Eve, I just posted my adventures from seeing the New Year in.
Big kiss honey

All Women Stalker said...

What a sweet post, Christina. :) Wishing to see your finished book in the bookstore near me this year. :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I am SO psyched to welcome 2010! Happy new year! Here's to it being a better year for all. : )

Lauren said...

Sorry for the delay in coming to say hello, but I wanted to thank you for swinging by my blog on Monday for my SITS day. Hope you have a very happy new year!


Debbie said...

I hope you have a wonderful 2010 as well!

lisa and laura said...

Happy New Year! I'm sorry that 2009 brought so much sadness, but I'm confident that all of your hard work will pay off in 2010. So glad that we met you last year!

Unknown said...

What an inspiring post! Hope you have a wonderful, fun and fabulous new DECADE (can you believe that? I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it lol)! ^_^

Nishant said...

It's hard to look at things pessimistically when you're writing out all you have to be thankful for.

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