Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's the WORD?

Jenny from The Southern Institute of Domestic Arts and Crafts is featuring one of my necklaces in a giveaway.
She recently asked her readers to chose one word to focus on throughout the year.

One word that had the potential to make an impact on your life.

She wondered if her readers would like their word stamped on the necklace should they win (If not--I can stamp anything they want). So it got me thinking about one word that would make an impact on my life this year. My word would be:


It has multiple meanings. Create your mood, Create your future, Create a family, Create written words or jewelry etc. ....

What would your word be?

If you want to enter to win my necklace (by the way, you can choose either the circle or open circle if you win), head on over...


The Blonde Duck said...

I love your word. I have a towel in my bathroom that says, "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."

Elizabeth Patch said...

oh create is the best word in the world! thanks Christina for helping make my SITS blog day so wonderful!

Hardygirl said...

I want that necklace!! I'm on my way over . . .


Andie said...


as in embrace life, love, embrace happiness. embrace family, friends,
embrace opportunity, nature, etc.

Anonymous said...

Corny I know but my word would be "love" because it solves a lot of problems.

Maddy said...

Great word! Mines would definitely have to be LIVE! I don't take many chances, but lately I've been feeling the urge to "live" my life and not just watch it pass me by.

Anonymous said...

hmm good choice for a word!

mine would have to be POWER.. the power to succeed..the power to be driven.. the power to create!

Christina Lee said...

wow lots of good words...

Harmony said...

I'm heading over there. My word would be "family".

Fertility Chick said...

Oohh! I love your word. Create has so many layers of meanings for me - especially now that I'm immersed in this IF world. But another word I would choose is: Believe. I know with the olympics it doesn't sound too original but I could use that word quite often too!

Great post -- going over to check out the contest..NOW. :)

Sturgmom said...

Another vote for "love" here.

You "create" beautiful work!

Unknown said...

That is so pretty. I love the word you chose. It does have so many meanings.

Debbie @ OtRD said...

Beautiful necklaces!

Thanks for stopping by on my SITS Day!

Cassie said...

Mine would have to be simplify. I am working toward a goal of making things simple living by the acronym K.I.S.S. keep it simple sweetie. :o)

Elana Johnson said...

Very cool necklaces! I remember this one word thing. I don't remember what I said I would choose at that time, but right now, I'd go with family. :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Mine would be Achieve. I'm going after my dreams this year and having so much fun doing it!

Dee said...

We discussed (yesterday I think) how much I've been wanting one of your necklaces lol! My word would have to be LEARN. I'm trying to get my GED right that would be my word!

Debby@Just Breathe said...


Janet said...

I'm thinking I'd choose peace. But I like create too.

The Budget Babe said...

my word would be Laugh. so many moments can be made lighter if we just remember to find the humor in them :)

elzimmy said...

My word would be HAPPY. Fake it til you make it, right? But seriously, my goal for this year is to be genuinely happy. I'm working on it.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

wait is my word this year...i'm working on it!!! thanks for stopping by today!!!!

Jules - Big Girl Bombshell said...

My Word this year is LIVE!

Oh and in case you missed it, there is an award for you and a personalized bombshell name on my blog today!

Lourie said...

I like DARE. Dare to change. Dare to try. Dare to act silly with your kids in a public setting.

Stephanie said...

Oh my word would be "FAITH"
Not so much faith in God, but that extra strength would be implied:) Faith in myself, in my kids, in my marriage. Faith that I am where I am supposed to be.
LOL Aren't you glad you asked?

Sharlene T. said...

My word is Share -- all that I can to return to the world what has been given to me. Now, I'm heading over to win my prize!

Little Ms J said...

Balance. It is all I strive for everyday.

Bethany said...

Just joined the contest! Love your stuff!

Rachele Alpine said...

I love the necklace! I'd put "WRITE" on it. I think that would inspire me! :)

Killara girl said...

The word that pops into my head off the bat is BEAUTY. I love to see the beauty in everything...I guess I'm a visual person...but the word seems to contain so many here's to making everything beautiful in 2010.

LisaDay said...

All good choices. Believe. I too, think I like believe.


Alexis AKA MOM said...

Oh man Sanity is on the top of my list would be a good one word for me! What a cool idea :).

Love the necklaces, I'm so bad at remembering to putting them on ;(

RainSplats said...

Oooooh, ok. my word would be..... "Lining" as in Silver lining--to remind me to always look for the silver lining.

Aleta said...

I love your design for the words!

Hmm... my word for the year..


All Women Stalker said...


Sounds too vague. But I like living and all it entails :)

Salmeen said...

Thats such a nice word.

I wuld choose the word infinity bcuz it describes my love for my hubby, my sn, my family and my faith in my God.

Anonymous said...

Love or Peace. Believe is also a good word.