Your thoughts on this local artist's work?
Kara is from Cleveland and her dog Tucker was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy, the canine equivalent of multiple sclerosis.
Kara is from Cleveland and her dog Tucker was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy, the canine equivalent of multiple sclerosis.

Here's how she describes it on her site: "Due to this condition, Tucker cannot “lift his leg” in the usual manner in order to pee. Rather, he walks and waggles his way down the path leaving these elaborate streams in his wake."

"His foster mom saw beauty in these elaborate patterns and began photographing the unique and unusual configurations. Her lens captured the compositions as they spontaneously occurred in the natural course of their daily strolls through the neighborhood. "
I'm still scratching my head and smiling over it. Tucker looks so sweet!
A portion of the proceeds goes to two different charities, and if you read their site and their interviews, Tucker's owners are pretty tongue-in-cheek about it!
Would you buy a "PEE"ce? ;-)
See more here.
Although it is really cute-in a weird kindda way-, I´d not buy, mostly because I´d remember every time I saw the painting it was actually pee.
I'm with Clara! Art is definitely in the eye of the beholder.
I do think this is very sweet in a "weird-kind" of way, but I'm not sure I'd be able to have one of these babies hanging at home. But to each their own!
Good call, Clara. I have to agree. Perhaps they can sell it to the Art Gallery of Ontario. It would be their thing.
Although I do appreciate (somewhat) the unconventional art medium, I concur with everyone. Can't hang this up in my house. It is after all just Pee. The doggie is sweet though:)
Poor Tucker. There is art all around I say go for it and keep photographing
I would invest in these pieces. I think that animals are such an important part of the world; and as the owner of three handicapable cats, I find it admirable to see a dog (and owner) use a disability to their advantage to bring awareness to such a problem. I love Tucker!! :)
I had a doggie named Tucker who got sick too, so I think it's kind of sweet. But yeah, I wouldn't want a photo of pee hanging in my house! The dog is adorable though.
Poor Tucker! That breaks my heart.
I think that is really funny. The second one looks like it has a heart!
I feel really sorry for the dog but I would not buy the art.
I'm not going to buy it because I don't have a place for it, but I certainly wouldn't hold it against anyone who did. The money goes to charity and it isn't pee, to me, it's a picture of a graphic design that was the result of a disabled animal who was able to leave his 'mark' upon his world.
Jackson Pollock didn't even have a disease to fall back on and people buy his dribblings -- for thousands.
I must agree with sharlene. It isn't artwork made out of pee...they are photographs of graphic designs of pee!!! Love the Pollack reference...second time somebody used it...check out the story in peoplepets:
Tucker says don't feel sorry for him, he is very well loved now in his rescue home.
Interesting thoughts, guys! I forgot it made it to People as well! Thanks for the link, anon.
It would make for an intersting conversation pee ce for sure! They're quite interesting actually.
I'm not sure that I would buy a piece but as sweet as he looks I'd def donate some money!
Aww what a sweetheart. I wanna kiss his face! And he seems to know his numbers! Haha
haha! i love dogs, and like a proud mama i talk endlessly about my own dog's every action (yup, that too) but i still wouldnt photograph his pee and call it art ;)
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