The very first time I read aloud I was shaking in my boots. Is my writing good enough? Do I totally suck? etc. But I think it depends on the comfort and support level of the group. So far so good!
Also, reading out loud sounds different than reading silently. When you read your own work silently, you tend to skim over certain words, including glaring mistakes. But when you read out loud, you invariably find where you went wrong with tenses or grammar etc. It's very eye-opening.
Writers, do you belong to a critique group? What's it like?
A teacher once told me that reading your story aloud was the best way to catch any mistakes.
I read copy out loud but to read my own work out loud to be judged ... I too would be shaking in my boots.
Wow, this sounds very nerve wracking, but effective! Good luck!
Yes, when I read over mine before posting it looks fine (skimming over those words) but after I post and go back, then I notice a mispelled word or a word left out.
That sounds frightening yet totally helpful. Way to step outta your comfort zone lady!
I used to read my entire manuscript aloud to myself before I sent it to my editor. Wow...that took some time.
You are braver than I my dear. I would be SO nervous I don't think that I could even get through the chapter before running out the door.
I don't, but I absolutely can see the benefit of it. Right now, I just let myself get crippled by my panic and self doubt in what I've created!
I can see how that would be a nerve wracking experience! It's like when we had to share our photo assignment with the rest of our class! It's incredibly terrifying, but also a learning experience. There's so much we can learn from our peers :)
In school I always got A's on my papers. However, I always got caught on the grammar. I still mess it up--the tenses. When I proof read my posts for my blog, I try to read out loud so I can hear the mistakes.
I hope you have a great meeting! I love the cartoon!
When we were taught how to do homework (back in the cave days), we were told to always read anything we wrote out loud because our ears hear our mistakes. You forget the basics, as you get older. Always good to be reminded. Thanks for sharing -- and, good luck. Although,I doubt you'll need it. {{{hugs}}}
Good for you. I can't imagine reading out loud, especially something that I wrote! But this is what will make you better at what you do.
I remember years ago at church we would get in circles and everyone would take their turn and pray. I could not do it. I was told that I should go home and talk out loud to God and look in the mirror.
You are a very brave woman, good for you:)
I've got an award for you at my place:)
I wish i was in a critique group. Can you tell me anyone online that i can join?
I love the cartoon at the top! So true. I am not in a critique group, but I wish I had some local writers that I could connect with...
We aren't in a critique group, but I ALWAYS read aloud. My husband thinks I'm insane.
I love the idea of a critique group. Feedback is priceless--and immediate feedback? Ahh. The best.
That sounds so great! I think that is a great idea to get together with others and help each other become better writers. Great way to get some feedback.
Stopping by from SITS....
I *want* to join a group, but have been so nervous! There is a writers group at my local library, been thinking about it, but again am SO nervous!
I should read out loud, it's only when I read it out loud that I realize some of the spelling mistakes I make, where it's still a correctly spelled word, but not the right word.
Lily, I'll email you!
Have fun! Cannot wait to actually read your book!
Reading out loud makes such a big difference! I try to do it for my stories, but don't always. And I do have critique partners though many I haven't met in person. I want to!
I read emails out loud before sending them... you can't correct them once they're gone. I read blog posts out loud after they're published and then correct any mistakes. I guess I should change that habit.
A long time ago, before I had kids, I belonged to a critique group that met once a month. It wasn't oo bad once I got to really know everybody & if it was a topic I felt comfortable with or my own ideas. but if it was a 'breakout' topic, which we did a few times a year to stretch ourselves, I was always a nervoud wreck & tried to go first to get it over with
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