Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Bicycle Wall Art

Location: Crocker Park in Cleveland. I kinda dig it!


Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

How interesting! Thanks for sharing! Stopped by from SITS!

Unknown said...

Sweet! My husband is originally from Ohio. I wonder if he's been there. Isn't it interesting to see where the individual imaginations take people?

Stina said...

Love it! I love the one that looks like an animal trophy. It looks like someone forgot to stop when they saw the wall.

Linda said...

Hi, Stopping by from SITS. These are really great. Very creative wall art.

Pamela Gold said...

This is as unique as it gets! I adore this...

Maddy said...

I'm alway boggled by people's creativity! Awesome!

Formerly known as Frau said...

me too really cool!

Clara said...

I dig it. I dig it a lot!

Lindsay Rudolph said...

Lance might want to get one of those for his living room!

Stephanie Faris said...

Cool. Very unique. That was be some expensive art...although I guess the artist could get the bicycles from a junk yard?

Anonymous said...

I dig it too. Isn't it odd what can be artistic?

Anonymous said...

good pic look =s you r a colleat photof=grapher

Sharlene T. said...

Just when you think you've run out of space! How unique!

Cafe Fashionista said...

I have to admit it, I kind of like it too. It's kitschy and eclectic! :)

Pam said...

Interesting...not what I would want ...but neat

Lourie said...

LOL I immediately flashed on this "gum wall" I saw in my family's travels across the country in 07. What makes this sooo funny is that this art is in Cleveland. The gum wall I speak of is in Greenville, OH where my BFF lives. She took us to this little dive of a place and the outside wall was covered in gum! I think I like the bikes better.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's different. It look cool!

Claudya Martinez said...

I kinda dig it too!

Unknown said...

Those are just amazing!