Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordful Wednesday:Venus Fly Trap

Nana bought Evan a teeny one from the zoo gift shop.

He sits and waits for flies to land so the traps will close on them.Until he gets antsy and feeds them dead flies he's found instead.
I must admit, it IS pretty fascinating.

p.s. Go here to link up to another Wordful Wednesday:


Jayne said...

I can't take my eyes off those plants when I see them. The word 'triffid' springs to mind!

Unknown said...

Wow that's crazy fascinating. I could see myself watching this for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos. Such an interesting world we live in.

Pamela Gold said...

I've never seen one in action. Now I'm tempted!

Maddy said...

What a cool gift!! You know me...I'm already dying to get my hands on a fly trap so I can photograph it in action!

Lindsay said...

Wow, cool present.

Venus Fly Traps used to scare me. Maybe I saw Little Shop Of Horrors too many times growing up. lol.

for a different kind of girl said...

I recently watched a television program that had a segment on how Venus flytraps work, which was different than how I thought. It made them even more fascinating to me.

Now, I have one very persistent fly in my house that needs to meet its demise, so if he rents out, I'd consider it!

Bossy Betty said...

I had one of these once! They are fascinating!

K. M. Walton said...

I think you can see footage of fly traps eating on youtube. Your son would love it!

Julia said...

We have a fly problem in our house this summer and just yesterday my kids and I were talking about getting a fly trap plant. I wonder where I could buy one? My kids would love it!

Sharlene T. said...

Just don't fertilize it or you won't be comfortable sleeping at night!... they are great gifts and lots of fun to watch -- if you're not a fly!... thanks for sharing and for your wonderful comment on my first vlog...

Twitter: SolarChief

LisaDay said...

They are cool in a creepy sort of way.


Lourie said...

Eeeew...but in a cool way. I think they are neat plants.

Hop on over to my blog. I have think link to the chat room up and running.

JEM said...

True story: when I was a kid I was terrified of touching one of these because I was afraid it would snap closed and eat my finger.

Pam said...

They are so neat...I had one as a kid....MANY, MANY, MANY years ago.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

I gave you a blog award today :)

Linda said...

There is so much to see in this crazy world. If we just stop and look around once in a while we would see a lot of fun things. It is amazing what nature provides. Great picture

Hardygirl said...

Oooo!! I want one!!
