Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordful Wednesday: And We're OFF!

Making sure we've got it all, and then testing it out:
Happy first day, baby boy! *sniffle, not such a baby anymore*


Christine Fonseca said...

Awesome pics~! Have a great school year.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I love pics like this!! Good luck!

Renae said...

Those are great! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Awe!!! I love the pics!! I hope you has an awesome school year!

Matthew MacNish said...

OMG is that an Anime backpack? My daughter would love that! Congrats to little man!

Bethany Elizabeth said...

That is an AWESOME backpack. :)

Cheyanne said...

Awww! I love fresh school supplies! My daughter went to first grade this year.. it was just as hard as sending her off to kindergarden.

Laura S. said...

Awww, this is so cute! My 5-yo nephew starts kindergarten soon. :( I can't believe it!

I hope your son loves school! Happy first day to him!

Anonymous said...

Aw, I miss school. He's too cute.

Sharlene T. said...

All ready to go into the world... I remember those first days, the crying, sniffling, hand-clutching, pulling back -- that was ME... daughter didn't even look back but marched triumphantly toward her future... You've got a life-story in the making here for your TA books... go to it!

for a different kind of girl said...

So sweet! Hope he has an awesome first day! It's a good thing my youngest didn't see these before he left for his first day of 3rd grade (gasp!), because he'd probably be ragingly jealous of the Bakugan backpack!

Pamela Gold said...

The first day is always the hardest!! Then they start bringing home paperwork for Science projects, etc... UGH!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Awww...sweet pictures. He is well supplied.

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Awesome backpack and matching lunchbox!He's going to have tons of friends in the first day. My youngest starts Tuesday.I'm excited to finally be "free" two-three days a week but I am going to miss him so much I took him to college to sign papers with me! I guess it's not easy to let go even when they are telling you you have to stay in the house when the bus comes!

K. M. Walton said...

Chin up, mommy. Just think, he'll have loads of stories to tell you when he gets home!

Great pictures!!

Lourie said...

Bittersweet isn't it?