Thursday, December 17, 2009

Favorite Holiday Dessert: Easy Cheesecake

I always make this for the holidays and it's a HUGE hit. It is so simple to make, yet TO DIE FOR!!

Here's what you need:

2 cans of refrigerated cresent rolls (you heard me right-people are always surprised)

2 8 oz. packages of cream cheeses

1 cup of sugar

1 tbs. of vanilla

1 stick of butter, melted

Some cinnamon and sugar mixed together (how ever much you want to use to sprinkle the very top-maybe half a cup)


1. Unroll and spread one of the cresent rolls on the bottom of the pan. pinch the sides together.
2. Mix together the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Then spread the mixture on top of the crescent roll layer.
3. Unroll and spread the other crescent roll layer on top of the cream cheese layer.

4. Pour the melted butter on top , and then sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture on top of that (I use alot).

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes (until top is lightly toasted).

Cool and cut into squares! It makes alot so I usually divvy it up and bring it various functions.

The reason why this picture of them looks messy is b/c we couldn't wait for them to cool and set b/f sampling--ha ha


Christy said...

Looks yummy - is it a tablespoon or teaspoon of vanilla?

Anonymous said...

I am trying that this weekend. I'll let you know how it turned out :)

Tracie said...

I wish I could make this but since they put soy in almost every product known to man forget it.

Maddy said...

That looks yummy & sounds super easy to make. I'll have to give it a try. Cheesecake anything is my favorite :)

Diana said...

Ooo, this sounds tasty and easy! I've got to try this.

Alissa Grosso said...

This looks really good, and I love the easiness of it!

Sturgmom said...

We LOVE this at our house! We call it sopapilla cheesecake.

Thanks- now I want some!

Christina Lee said...

Sturgmom--really? what does that mean?
Christy--it's a tablespoon!
Sher--ooh let me know!

Stephanie Faris said...

Hey, messy is good! That sounds delicious but you had me at "easy" and "cheesecake."

The Blonde Duck said...

That sounds fantastic!!!!! I am a cheese cake fiend and I haven't had it in so long...

for a different kind of girl said...

Swoon! You've given us, essentially, a cheesecake lasagna?! Oh, yes, yes, yes!!

All Women Stalker said...

Yay, a recipe with only a few ingredients! In other words, a must-try. ahah


Vintage aka Vinty said...

Yup! My kind of recipe! E-Z

lisa and laura said...

Yum--I'm having visitors this weekend...this is perfect and EASY!

Corpus Christie said...

That. Looks. AMAZING!!! This is definitely a keeper.

Did you know they make sheet-style crescent rolls now? No more annoying perforations! Woo woo!

Ann said...

Once someone says easy...I am intested. Thank you for your easy Cheesecake recipe. Have a wonderful Christmas.