Friday, January 22, 2010

Peanut Butter Pie

Here's a real easy recipe with yummy results:

1 cup of powdered sugar
1/2 cup of peanut butter (add more if you really like the PB flavor)
1 tub of whipped topping (thawed)
2 packs of cream cheese (softened)

Mix all together and pour into a graham cracker crust. Freeze it for 4 hours. Delish!

Oh and before serving, let it thaw for several minutes on the counter (until you can get a knife through it).



Harmony said...

This looks so easy and I love Peanut Butter!

LisaDay said...

Mmmmm. I always feel sorry for those with a peanut allergy. No peanut butter and honey sandwiches, no chocolate wrapped peanut butter, no peanut butter pie. It sounds great.


Christina Lee said...

Lisa, I know, me too. I know a couple of moms who crave PB and eat it out when they can b/c their kids have peanut allergies.

Christy said...


Unknown said...

Holy rich! Cream cheese and peanut butter? Interesting combination! I'll have to try it. The kids certainly won't mind. lol

for a different kind of girl said...

This is practically everything I love about live blended up and served up for me in a delicious pie crust!

Pam said...

Sounds yummy. I will give this a try.....I am for anything simple!

lisa and laura said...

My husband LOVES peanut butter. Can't wait to make this for him. Maybe Valentine's Day?

All Women Stalker said...

I'm counting only 4 ingredients...and no baking...My kind of recipe :)

Debbie said...

Single serving - right?

Anonymous said...

One BIG word: YUM!

The Budget Babe said...

nice! i think ill try making that for my super bowl party, i like to have lots of super rich indulgent treats (to make up for the fact that i could care less about football, haha)

gina said...

um, yum!

Anonymous said...

She's right, it is delish! I've been trying to find a recipe for a more amish style peanut butter pie - it's like SUPER light. If anyone has any ideas (i.e. it doesn't have cream cheese in it, I don't think) feel free to stop by!

Sharlene T. said...

Yummy! Hope you made enough for all of us . . .

Pamela Gold said...

Are you effing kidding me with this recipe?!

Oh my deliciousness...

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from SITS! This looks amazing.I love peanut butter.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This sounds great. Must put items on my grocery list!

Elana Johnson said...

Ah! I want to make that right. now. Or maybe tomorrow. ;)

Lourie said...

Ooooh! Yummy!

Jeannie, Jane, Angel, Mommy, etc.. said...

That sounds SO yummy, but I am trying to cut back on stuff like that. Plus, the huz was out the minute you said cream cheese. Esepcially 2 packs. He doesn't know what he's missing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I need this. haha

p.s enter my jewelry giveaway!!

CCW said...

Dear Peanut Butter,
I love you so. Especially when get dressed up all fancy and what-not in a pie.

p.s. chocolate says hello

Sean Escobar said...

Yummmmm, that looks so good. I will definately be trying out that recipe. Thank you for sharing that.

Crystal Escobar said...

I think I was logged in as my husband when I left you that last comment. My husband is Sean, but that was really me commenting :)

Unknown said...

Easy to make and looks yummy.
I will try it.

Suzette Saxton said...

Oh my YUM! I am totally making this today! Thank you!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I need a piece of that like right now. OMG!

Unknown said...

That looks gooooooooood! I must try it -- thanks for posting!

Angela said...

Oh I love love peanut butter. : )

Bethany said...

This looks delish! Thanks for posting.

Fertility Chick said...

Ohhh yum!! I am definitely saving this recipe - can't wait to try it for myself!!

The Blonde Duck said...

SWEET WOUNDED WUFFLES. I haven't had PB pie since shreveport. The Babies' b-day is this weekend too---I'm soo making this!