Just read the arranged titles going down:

It got me thinking about the books on my shelf...
...and whether they could be arranged in such a way to tell a story.

I'll try it with my YA book titles:
(in the) TWILIGHT
(because) WE HEAR THE DEAD
(always) LINGER
(before they) FADE
hee hee--FUN!
It certainly sounds like fun, I think I'll have a try.
Christina this was seriously the coolest post EVER! I so want to join in on the fun! I plan on taking time to organize a story for next week!
Better yet, this should be a blog fest!!!!!
What do you think??? It would be so fun!
I've never seen that! Too cool!
And yikes on the shark title story!
Do you know Tahereh? She did something very similar today. Email me if you don't know her and her blog.
Anyway this is so cool! I wish I still had all the books I'd ever read.
How fun! I've never seen that either. :)
Cool idea!
Love it, love it, love it! But, there's too much on my plate, so I'm going to enjoy this vicariously... Go to it, ladies! and Come visit when you can...
Hahaha!!! Love it :) I have a couple of interesting books in my bookcase, like a Hitler autobiography I received from my cousin one year. Lets see if I can come up with something creative when I get home!
Matt-- I just saw hers and I can't believe we posted practically the same thing.
Hers might blow mine out of the water, though!
Wow. This is awesome. I love it. I love the book thing and making a story out of book titles. Great job Christina!
hahah! How cool! I gott do that now ...
omg HOW COOL IS THAT?! what are the odds that we would have such similar ideas on the same night??
this must be fate, no?
great job!!
I sense a trend here. This really is so cool!
Haha, yours is adorable! But I have to say my fave is the shark one :) Totally made me laugh out loud.
What fun!
Oh. I love these! So, so cool.
lol, that's clever :)
Oh, I'll have to check out that project, and also, I liked the shark one. Heeh. I also quite like your YA book title poem. Nicely done!
Let's see I have all 7 HP's. Some romance novels, childrens books and some misc books...Mine could be really interesting.
That is really cool!
I'm totally doing this for my blog tomorrow! This is great!
What a fun idea! I'm going to blog about this later in the week.
Caption Competition
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