And on those days, there's waiting, wondering, teeth-gritting, and dreaming too. Plus, lots of email refreshing.
And your emotions are all over the map.

*to have your novel beta'd/critiqued
*to hear from agents/pub houses you've queried
*to get revisions notes from you agent
*to hear from editors you've gone on submission with
*and even MORE waiting after you've been published (editor notes, ARCs, reader feedback)
It's hard not to get caught up in other people's news, and feel many things all at once. Happiness, pride, envy, disappointment, and ALWAYS (always) hope--that there's enough room at the publishing table for you!

Right now the waiting is easier because I know down the road something is going to happen. That makes the waiting easier, so I spend my time being prepared as I possibly can for whichever direction turns out to be the one for me!
Laura, I got ya! It's actually been way easier for me since I gave up my "timeline" for things and just let it all "be".
I'm still waiting back from an agent with my full. I'm still waiting to hear from a dozen agents from my query. Waiting for inspiration for my next book:)
Great post, Christina! I agree that letting go and letting things be releases so much anxiety! Thanks for the reminder. <3
I'm still waiting to hear back from someone on her big news. Otherwise, I've been keeping myself very busy. Some days I forget what I'm waiting for. :D
I hear ya!! Even though I'm not waiting for a book to be published, I'm waiting for a lot of things - like a mortgage commitment :)
I'm like the most impatient person in the world, so waiting is tough tough tough! It's good to stay busy. I like Laura's philosophy of "knowing" something's going to happen down the road but not having expectations on how it's supposed to happen.
I'm going to second Laura. Only since I queried two weeks ago and had a few request, I can't seem to write a thing. It's almost like not breathing.
And what is your patronus? :P Couldn't resist. What am I waiting on? Myself!
Haha, this is just the perfect post for me today. I just sent a small batch of queries out an hour ago, and I'm already feeling glued to my email, even though I know no one will be getting back to me right away! So silly.
Lourie--LOL! MY patronus right now is a bottle of pumpkin BEER!
Ha, great post! And perfect pictures. I wish patronus charms worked all the time, sadly, I'm a muggle. :(
I'm waiting on myself to get my shizz together and finalize my query packages to send out to agents in October. Timelines are funny, and I have mixed feelings about them. Sometimes they help kick your butt into gear, but sometimes they just kick your butt. And it's always hard to know the difference.
LOVE this post! I'm waiting on "the call" that is scheduled for this week! :-)
Shannon: !!!!!!!!! Fingers and toes crossed!! Let us know the "news"!
My BF has his whole manuscript being looked at now, but it's been a long time. I'm not sure how long he should expect to wait, but it's tough!
Shannon, awesome!!!!
Right now, I'm waiting on beta readers of my WIP and I'm waiting on an editorial letter, and like Creepy Query Girl, I'm waiting for inspiration for my next book.
But let's hope it doesn't arrive the same week as the other two.
Be Calm and Conjure a Patronus Charm. Thanks for the laugh!
Conjuring my patronus right now.
For me, time just moves too fast most of the time. Sometimes, it would be nice if a slowed down a little, you know?
I've never really understood the email refreshing thing. As a Gmail user, my email refreshes by itself. It's been so long since I checked my yahoo and msn accounts, I can't even remember whether they do the same.
They must not.
And that's obviously not your point. I'm currently waiting on CPs, but I've got their work as well in the meantime, so it's not that hard.
Sending positive vibes your way.
Right now I am waiting to meet this new little baby of ours though we still have 32 1/2 weeks so I better be patient!
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