Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tell the Truth Thursday: Procrastination

1. Procrastination is my middle name this week!

And I guess I don't feel too guilty because I had a busy jewelry month with Mother's Day orders. And I just finished revisions on my book and moved into the query stage. Which is really tough in itself. Waiting to hear. Sigh. And terrifying--will this one be good enough?
And I just don't feel like writing more in my third WIP. Not yet.

2. What I DO feel guilty procrastinating about, is thanking people publicly for Blog Awards and Tags.

The longer I wait, the longer it feels like a HUGE task. I am so sorry.

I know I have to thank: Clara, Jen, Stina, Sharlene, Mother Chick, Small Burst, B Sparkly, Jules, Homesick Cajun, and LisaDay. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Seriously, I appreciate the blogger community and all the bloggy friends I've made, and seeing your comments puts a huge smile on my face. I just want you to know that!

3. Despite how much time I spend on Twitter agent and author stalking (adding further to my procrastination), some days seeing all the love depresses me.

It's like I'm on the other side of the glass looking in. Agents announcing that they've read a manuscript they love, a writer they signed, or deals made; agented and published authors touting their admiration for each other.

But it also lights a fire under my arse!

Just not this week. I'm too busy procrastinating.


Clara said...

I´m a procastinator mehself, but shhhhhh dont tell anyone!

And congrats, you finished the edits! Oh god, I´m still on my 5th review, two more to go...

One day, the agents and publishers will be talking about us, you will see. =)

Am I the first comment? Oh hail yeah!

Stina said...

Uh, well, those awards on my blog today . . . they were from last month! Talk about procrastination.

Congrats on being at the querying stage. I should be ready come late summer. Maybe. But I think I'll procrastinate a while longer on that. Then I'll blog like crazy the whole time I'm querying so the rejections will be lost in a sea of blog comments. :D

Unknown said...

I think we are all a little guilty of this. I would love to have a full week of nothing but procrastinating and doing what I want. No work, no nothing. Could we make it like a week holiday? Everyone gets paid to just do whatever unproductive thing they desire?

Finding Beauty said...

I am MAJORLY procrastinating with my wedding anniversary which is TODAY and I haven't bought Jon a gift yet. We normally don't do gifts but it's our 10 year so I have to buy him something! Oh I hate that I procrastinate!!!!

for a different kind of girl said...

Oh, if I am not the queen of procrastination, I at least have a very prominent seat in the royal court! I didn't use to have such an issue with it, but wow, some days my grand plans just fly out the window as soon as I stand up and get out of bed! Yesterday, I planned so many things, but when I opened the windows and discovered the beautiful day, well, let's just say I enjoyed the view sitting on my deck and reading books!

Maddy said...

I'm not usually a procrastinator, but I have been dragging me feet on a lot of things lately. I just don't have it in me to juggle a million things at once anymore. So I hear ya! As far as the book're time will come! I just know it!

Erica Mitchell said...

Haha, someone was inspired to draw my day in a cartoon! I procrastinate all the time, it's my biggest flaw but my most consistant trait I think ;) I'm one of those people who works better under pressure, and when there is no "real" deadline my mind wanders off and does something else. Then I'll have weeks where I buckle down and get a lot done.
It gets us all, except my type A mother lol. Good luck in the query stage, and your blog brings me a smile everyday :)

Writing Without Periods! said...

My husband is a procrastinator and it drives me mad! I've been waiting two years for him to paint a wall in the dining room.

AndreaLeigh said...

oh girl... if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done. I'm a total procrastinator.

Sharlene T. said...

Gosh, I almost put commenting off for later, the same token, procrastinating can bring the mind into focus at deadline time...but, I think I'll just move my deadline up a little...

Shannon said...

I've take procrastination to an art form. :) One of my worst vices.

I understand how you feel about seeing the love and feeling left out, but I try not to think in those terms. I remind myself that it's GOOD that books are selling. This is a game of perseverance. Just keep plugging!

Pamela Gold said...

My husband holds the master procrastinator award! I hate procrastination. Then I had son #3 and thought I'd give it a go. It really is a wonderful way to live, most days.... Your writing is fab woman and your book is going to be scooped up FAST!

Alicia said...

oh lady, i'm so with you....i'm in major procrastination mode this week!! i need someone to come light a fire under my bum! lol!

Lourie said...

I will procrastinate tomorrow. ;)

Unknown said...

I could have written that post. Well, except I stalk agents via blogs instead of Twitter. (have not figured Twitter out even though I've had an account for a year now.)

Elana Johnson said...

Hey, all that time on twitter is called RESEARCH not PROCRASTINATION. At least that's what I told myself.

Good luck with querying!

Dee said...

I was gonna comment yesterday, but then I put it off, I figured I'd wait until today! Haha....I'm the same way boo! You're welcome for the award! Lol...I'd totally forgotten about it!! Have a great weekend!